Thursday, November 12, 2015

Goa Gong Pacitan

Goa Gong Pacitan in East Java is one of the tourist attractions in Pacitan popular and holds the title as the most beautiful tourist cave in Southeast Asia. Goa Gong Pacitan charm comes from the beautiful panorama of stalactites and stalagmites that you can encounter when the cave down for approximately 2 hours.

Geographically, Pacitan located in the southwestern region of East Java, has a landscape composed of limestone mountains are less fertile for agriculture. Nutrient content owned land in Pacitan region includes slightly, thereby criteria in Pacitan classified as arid land. Contour height of land in the region in general Pacitan even more unlock the potential of nature tourism, one of Goa Gong Pacitan.

Goa Gong is administratively located in the hamlet Pule, Bomo Village, District Punung, located about 37 km west from downtown Pacitan. Cave attractions in East Java, this one is surrounded by mountains, is a mountain Manyar north, south mountain Coral Pulut, east of Mount Gede, and west are mountains Grugah. The fourth of this mountain is a mountain of non-active.

Goa Gong Pacitan cave has a depth of 256 meters long and has a stalagmite and stalactite hundreds of years old. Goa is emerging as a result of volcanic activity and the thermic movement which is expected to last hundreds to thousands of years ago.

Based on the story of the local community, this cave was named as Goa Gong is because people often hear the echo sound like wasps gong sound coming from inside the cave. Gong is one tool in the art of Javanese gamelan percussion. Sounds like a gong of the cave is the result of a natural reflection of water droplets that hit rock cave stalactites or stalagmites the cave. The sound it produces sounds harmonious and beautiful, even if you are at the entrance of the cave.

Address Goa Gong: Bomo village, district. Purung Donorejo, Pacitan, East Java
GPS Coordinates: -8.16484,110.97984

Tourism Goa Gong Pacitan

If you want to enjoy the charm of Goa Gong Pacitan very rich stalactites (secondary mineral that hangs in the sky cave) and stalagmites (limestone taper-shaped and located on the floor of the cave), you can go into it with paid admission Goa Gong by Rp 5 thousand per person.  

Stalactites and stalagmites in Goa Gong Pacitan will experience growth extends through natural processes due to oxidation or chemical reaction between air with water. The average length growth of stalactites and stalakit in this cave until 0:13 ranged from 0.1 mm per year.

While visiting Goa Gong Pacitan, you will be invited down the stairs and watch various sights gong cave, shawl drappery (stalactites dripping), fractures calcium deposits and water droplets at the ends of the cave are formed like a small lake.

The pillars stalagmites grow tall and visible overlap one another, presenting a panorama of rock carvings are living together with droplets of water that never dries. You do not have to worry about the dark current down depth Pacitan Goa Gong is because the parts of the cave has been equipped with colored lights that also adds to the beauty of the cave.

When down the cave, you should still be careful because the pool of water dripping from stalactites made cave floor is quite slippery. You might easily slip if not careful stepping.

Once the traverse is completed and you come out of the cave, you see the many vendors who sell merchandise, ranging from various foods, beverages, up to a cave or a souvenir photo portrait that you can take home as a souvenir. Generally, the prices offered for these souvenirs ranging from Rp 50 thousand to Rp 150 thousand per item.

If you want to buy a t-shirt or other souvenirs, you can find it on the booths in an outward direction Goa Gong Pacitan. The price offered is quite varied, generally still be affordable. In Indonesia, the experience of caving can also meet in Goa Pindul Jogjakarta.

Hotels at Goa Gong Pacitan

If you plan to stay, you can search for hotels near Goa Gong Pacitan. There are various types of lodging, such as hotels and others with diverse facilities.

You can contact the hotel there or looking for hotels near Goa Gong online.

Travel route to Goa Gong Pacitan

Pacitan town is about 101 km from the town of Madiun. If you start the journey from the city of Yogyakarta or Solo, you can take a trip through the city of Solo and continue further into areas Ponorogo, then will enter the territory of Madiun, then arrived in Pacitan. From Jogja to Pacitan, the duration of the journey will take approximately 5 hours.

If you choose public transport and start the journey to Pacitan from the city of Surabaya, you can use the bus patas which will take you to Ponorogo, then replace another bus that will take you to Pacitan.

From downtown Pacitan, you need to travel for about 30 minutes to arrive in the tourist area of Goa Gong Pacitan.

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