Wednesday, December 2, 2015

This is the 13th temple in Yogyakarta Most Charming

Tourist attractions in Yogyakarta so famous that make this area into one of the many tourist destinations, both domestic and foreign. Various tour in Jogja quite varied, starting from cultural tourism, culinary, travel to Jogja the famous temple.

Jogja is a place where the famous Prambanan temple was located. Attractions temples in Yogyakarta is one of the pride which is also owned by the Indonesian people, especially in the tourism sector.

Yogyakarta has a number of temples full of artistic value and an amazing classical architecture. As a result of human civilization, the temple is very thick with the values of history and tells the story of how human society where it lives his life in the era of the construction of the temple.

There are a number of attractions temples in Yogyakarta are worth your visit. If you go visit one of the famous Borobudur Temple, which is a tourist attraction in Magelang, located quite close to Yogyakarta. Prambanan is one of the temples are so captivating, not least also Mendut and Kalasan.

However, it was not possible in one day you can visit all the tourist temple in Yogyakarta. But if your time is reasonably available, then there is no harm in visiting the 13 temples in Jogjakarta.

Temple in Yogyakarta   

Here are a number of attractions temples in Yogyakarta are the most popular and worth a visit.  

1. Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia, even in Southeast Asia. The temple is known as Rara Jonggrang temple, built around 850 AD by Wangsa Sanjaya and become attractive landmark Jogjakarta among a number of attractions Jogja.

Prambanan since 1991 by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage (World Wonder Heritage), located in the complex area of ​​39.8 ha. 47 meters tall or five meters higher than Borobudur, Prambanan seemingly strong and sturdy. This is consistent with the background of the construction of this temple, which is to show the glory of Hindu civilization in Java.Name Prambanan temple, also known as Rara Jonggrang is based on a legend that is believed to be partly the Java community about this temple.Once upon a time, a prince named Bandung Bondowoso falls in love with a beautiful princess handsome, named Rara Jonggrang. Because no power to refuse the love of the prince, Jonggrang filed Bondowoso to be made a precondition to the temple with 1,000 statues overnight.The request was nearly fulfilled, before finally Jonggrang managed to call for help villagers to pound rice and make a big fire so impressive that morning has arrived. Feel cheated, Bondowoso who only make a statue to 999 cursed Jonggrang into the statue-1000.

One of the distinctive Hindu temple in Yogyakarta This is the bas-reliefs on the walls of the temple. The story of Ramayana became the main reliefs of this temple. However, other relief that is not less interesting is Kalpataru tree that the Hindu religion is considered as the tree of life, sustainability and environmental compatibility. In Prambanan, relief Kalpataru trees flanking a lion depicted. The existence of this tree illustrates how the Java community 9th century have wisdom in managing the environment.

To be able to enter the temple tourist attractions in Jogja, you can pay Rp 8 thousand. For foreign travelers are subject to the entrance fee of US $ 10. The tour of Prambanan temple is open every day from 8 am to 5 pm.

2. Kalasan Temple

Kalasan also called Tara temple is a sacred building dedicated to the goddess Tara, also the monastery for the monks. Kalasan built as a tribute to the marriage of the Sanjaya dynasty Pancapana with Dyah Pramudya Wardhani of the Sailendra dynasty.

Kalasan was completed in 778M so it is the oldest Buddhist temples in Yogyakarta.

Tourist attractions of this temple is located in Kalibening, Village Tirtomartani, Kalasan, Sleman. Or, roughly about 2 km to the west of Prambanan. If from Jogja, located about 15 kilometers east. Kalasan have access, facilities, and infrastructure are very adequate.

Kalasan building has a 34-meter height, length and width of 45 meters. Consisting of three parts, namely the bottom or foot of the temple, the temple and temple roof. The bottom of the foot of the temple is a temple that stood on a stone pedestal the square with a size of 45 meters and a large stone.

Kalasan has stupas with a height of about 4.6 meters, totaling 52 pieces around him. Kalasan is precisely what becomes one of the sacred buildings that inspired Atisha, namely a Buddhist from India who had visited Kalasan and Borobudur and spread Buddhism to Tibet.

3. Sewu Temple

Sewu a Buddhist temple built in the 8th century, is about 800 m north of Prambanan Temple. Sewu is the second largest Buddhist temple complex after Borobudur, older than Prambanan.

Although originally there were 249 temples, the temple community is called "Sewu" means thousand in the Java language.

This naming is based on the legend Jonggrang. Administratively, complex Sewu located in Hamlet Bener, Bugisan Village, District Prambanan, Klaten regency, Central Java Province.

4. Mendut Temple

Attractions in Jogja temple is located about 38 km from Yogyakarta and only about 3 km from the temple of Borobudur. Mendut a Buddhist temple which is estimated to be of relevance Pawon. Up to now can not be certain when Mendut was built. Age temple is estimated to be older than the Borobudur. 

In the body Mendut are quite spacious room contains 3 pieces of Buddha statues. Sakyamuni Buddha statue facing towards the door, the Buddha depicted in a sitting position and attitude preached dharmacakramudra hand, symbolizes the attitude of being mewejangkan teachings.

Avalokiteswara Bodhisattva statue on the right side of the room facing south, namely human helper Buddha depicted in a sitting position with the left leg bent and the right leg dangling down with bare feet small lotus pads.

Maitreya statue on the left side of the room facing north, the liberator of the human Buddha is depicted in a sitting position and attitude of the hand Simhakarna Mudra, Mudra Vitarka-like attitude but with fingers closed.

5. Sambisari Temple

Sambisari is one of the relics of the heyday of the Hindu temple in Java, located in the district of Sleman. Syiwaistis wing of the temple which was built in the tenth century by the Sailendra dynasty in 1966 was discovered accidentally by a farmer from the village of Sambisari named Karyoniangun while digging in his field.   

Based on geological studies of the rock temple and the land that has hoard for hundreds of years, the temple is estimated as high as 7.5 m material buried by the massive eruption of Mount Merapi in 1006 AD Furthermore, the results of excavations conducted in July 1966, obtained assurance that the area was indeed a temple site.

Sambisari is unique compared to other Hindu temples, which is located under the surface of the ground as deep as 6.5 m. If you look at it from the side, the temple as if emerging from underground. To get into the tourist attractions of this temple, you can pay Rp 3 thousand per person.

6. Ratu Boko Temple

Only about 3 km south of the Prambanan Temple, there are other relics of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom, namely Ratu Boko temple complex. Ratu Boko temple was built during the reign of Panangkaran, one of the descendants of the Sailendra dynasty. According to historians, the temple is multifunctional, ie as a fortress palace, a place of worship, and caves.

Ratu Boko temple have the privilege, which has properties as indicated by the presence of profane keputren and paseban.

In addition, the building of the temple was also seen for the combination of elements of Hinduism and Buddhism. This can be seen from the statues of Lingga and Yoni, Ganesha statue, as well as the gold plate that reads Om Rudra ya namah swaha. The slab implies a form of worship to the god Rudra, another name of Lord Shiva.

In this temple, on the north side you can enjoy views of the city of Yogyakarta and Prambanan Temple with the background of Mount Merapi. Entrance to the Temple of Queen Boko Jogja around Rp 15 thousand per person. To enjoy the scenery when the sun begins to set, then you will be charged Rp 40 thousand. This place is one of the attractive tourist destination Yogyakarta.

7. Sari Temple

Sari Temple is located not far from Kalasan, about 3000 m east. This temple is a Buddhist religious buildings, visible from the stupa located at its peak. Sari temple was probably built in the 8th century BC during the period of administration Panangkaran simultaneously with the construction period Kalasan.  

The entrance to the inner temple impressed Sari what part because the front stairs were damaged. Currently the corbelled roof had no trace, so that the entrance to the room in the temple can be directly visible. Ornament in the frame and Kalamakara above the doorway is very simple, because the beautiful decoration located on the outside wall cubicle door.

8. Pawon Temple

Pawon located at 1.2 km west of the Mendut or about 1.8 kilometers east of Borobudur. Pawon is located right on the axis line connecting between Borobudur and Mendut. Aside from the lying position, likeness carved motif in all three temples it raises a strong presumption that among the three temples that there are strong linkages.

Based on the art of temple building is a combination of art and buildings of ancient Javanese Hindu India. Many people predicted that Pawon is a tomb, but research says that turned out to be a place to store weapons Raja Indra named Vajranala. In Sanskrit "Vajra", means the Lightning and "Anala", meaning fire.

Pawon made of volcanic rock. What is interesting in Pawon can be seen from the decoration. The temple is located on the terrace and stairs rather wide. All parts of the temple are decorated with stupas and the outer walls are decorated with reliefs biological tree (Kalpataru) is flanked by a sachet sachet and Kinari kinara (a creature half-man half-bird / human-headed bird body).

9. Ijo Temple

Candi Ijo is the name of a temple complex located in Bukit Ijo. The name of the temple is named after the location of the temple built by local people called "Gumuk Ijo" (gumuk = hill). Ijo hill is the highest hills in the District of Prambanan, Sleman, with its highest peak 410 meters above sea level (asl).

Location Candi Ijo itself at an altitude of 357.402 m - 395.481 m. These are among the highest temple compared to other temples in Yogyakarta. So no wonder if among the archaeological tourism lovers, Candi Ijo is also known as 'Top Temple' in Yogyakarta.

Ijo temple complex is actually still in the hills with other temples, such as the Temple of Queen Boko, Barong Temple, and Temple Banyunibo. The temples are located on top of limestone hills Prambanan District. Candi Ijo itself is built around the 9th century AD.

From this temple area, if tourists looking toward the south, you will see a steep valley terraced very unsightly. Land in these hills was barren, but in the rainy season shrub and undergrowth appear blanketed hills. If the tourists looked to the west, will appear Adisucipto International Airport which is located on the west bank hilly Prambanan.

10. Gebang Temple

It is said that on either side of the entrance there is a niche with a temple Gebang Nandiswara Arca, were in niches containing statues of Mahakala, but now they are gone.

Gebang temple in the body there is a booth with direction toward the east which there Yoni. Niches on the north and south empty. In the west there are niches filled with statues of Ganesha sitting on a yoni with the spout facing north. While at the summit, there is a phallus which is above the lotus pads.

Linga form only the top, namely in the form of a cylindrical shape. In the roof there is also a small room shaped cavity at the top of the temple actually. In the yard is also seen their apparent Lingga (stakes) in the four corners.

11. Plaosan Temple

This temple is an ancient building complex is divided into two, namely the temple complex Lor (north) and Plaosan temple complex (south). Layout between adjacent complex, which is within 100 meters. Sculptures contained in Plaosan very smooth and detailed, similar to those contained in Borobudur, Sewu and Sari Temple.

Plaosan which a Buddhist temple by experts probably built during the reign of Rakai Pikatan of Hindu Mataram Kingdom, which at the beginning of the 9th century AD

From the style of the temple, it is known that the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta this one is a blend of two cultures, namely Hinduism and Buddhism.

According to local belief, Plaosan it has the power of love between Rakai Pikatan and Pramudya Wardhani. Therefore, it is believed will bring blessings to couples of men and women. That's because the attraction of this temple is quite popular for couples who want blessed with the birth of a child.

12. Kedulan Temple

Kedulan which is located about 2.5 km from Sambisari. This temple is in the process of excavation and reconstruction because at the time found the ruins of the temple in a state buried in the ground which come from the lava of Mount Merapi.

During the excavation, near Agastya found two inscriptions, each length 75 cm, width 45 cm, and a thickness of about 23 cm. Both inscriptions are written with letters Pallava and Sanskrit.

Both are known as Pananggaran Inscription and Inscription Sumundul. Both are framed in many Saka 791 or 869 AD. Given the year of manufacture of the inscription, is suspected Kedulan built when Rakai Kayuwangi ruled Hindu Mataram Kingdom.

13. Barong Temple

Barong is located in the south of Prambanan Temple, located in the hilly hamlet Candisari, Sambirejo, Prambanan, Sleman. This Hindu temple is a place for worshiping Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi.

Kala Makara ornament in the form of a lion's head (barong) which has a lower jaw is one of the attractions of the uniqueness of this temple in Yogyakarta. Kala Makara typically ornate carved above the door or the recesses of the temple as a symbol repellent reinforcements.

At the top of which is the highest area in the area of this temple is sacred, that is where there is a statue of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi.


1 comment:

  1. interesting to see locals pay 50 cents and foreigners pay 10.00 USD. Scam the tourists. !
