Friday, October 30, 2015

Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat are tourist attractions in Papua, which has worldwide. Raja Ampat fame as one of the most attractive travel destinations have been documented in the documentary titled "Edis Paradise 3" to premiere in Switzerland. The documentary made by Avant Premiere raised the underwater natural beauty of Raja Ampat in Papua that is referred to as the Amazon of the Seas of the World. The nickname was carried because the position of the Raja Ampat central world coral triangle. Raja Ampat is included in the territory of West Papua is a group of islands with 610 islands spread, but only only 35 islands are occupied by residents.

Keep in mind that 75% of fish species in the world is located in the waters of Raja Ampat. Ocean in Raja Ampat is a natural ecosystem that is still awake kelesetariannya until now. The high value of the strategic nature of the sea in Papua led to travel Raja Ampat in Papua are protected by the laws of Indonesia.

This is to prevent the destruction of marine ecosystems act solely pursue profit business. Not without reason! Raja Ampat Tourism has become the focus of world travel at the present moment.

Tourism Raja Ampat in Papua offers a number of attractions that is in demand by foreign tourists in particular, namely diving. Diving activities (underwater diving) and snorkel in Raja Ampat will show the beauty of the underwater world of Raja Ampat in Papua that is so enchanting, with various species of fish and coral reefs that live naturally. Diving in Raja Ampat will show you a variety of different species of fish that even you have never known before. Remember, 75% of the world's fish species are in Raja Ampat. Have you seen manta rays? The body width stingray even reaches 2 m.
At least there are 1500 species of fish, 537 species of coral and 699 invertebrates that can be found in the underwater world of Raja Ampat. For diving, you will be accompanied by experts and using diving equipment are complete. If you ever do diving at other beaches, then you will be so amazed at the underwater beauty of Raja Ampat Papua. Coral reefs are living becomes a food source thousands of species of fish and other marine animals. Ecosystems are very natural and so dazzling that makes Raja Ampat dubbed Amazon World Ocean.

Some say tourist Raja Ampat in Papua is a hidden tourist paradise owned by Indonesia. Tourism Raja Ampat may be crowned as the natural attractions of the most fascinating underwater owned by Indonesia. Which can rival the beauty of underwater nature may only travel in Sabang Weh Island, Aceh. If the Raja Ampat are tourist attractions in the eastern part of Indonesia, then travel Sabang Weh Island is in the most western part of Indonesia.

Interestingly, both sites with his diving activities including the most attractive in the world just got a great attention of foreign tourists. The interest of foreign nationals and the number of visits to the trend of increasing time after time makes both a sea tours Indonesia has become so popular in international circles. Indeed, the journey of a domestic audience that is lost in the sea to visit tourist attractions.

Admittedly, the cost factor is the main cause that made the domestic tourist arrivals to the tourist attractions Raja Ampat Papua is still relatively small. Conditions in Papua's infrastructure is not adequate and the cost of transportation to / from Papua makes a point of interest in Papua has not visited by tourists Indonesia. Not to mention about the cost of accommodation and logistics to be incurred during enjoying the tour in Raja Ampat.
Unlike the foreign tourists who have a higher income level than the citizens of Indonesia, a better financial conditions that enable them to enjoy diving as one of the attraction's most popular Raja Ampat. It thus also seen in a tourist area in Sabang Pulau Weh Aceh. The level of foreign tourist arrivals more than domestic tourists.

Any attractions Raja Ampat?

Diving and snorkeling is one of the tourist activities Raja Ampat most famous. However, you should know that the tourist spots in Papua also has dense forest, a cluster of limestone colorful, various species of rare plants, as well as sea turtle nests on the beach.

Most tourists will surf in Raja Ampat because these sights have ocean surf is quite challenging. Some islands in the Raja Ampat is the most visited island Wayag, Waiwo Island, Coral Island, Gam Islands, and the island Arborek. If you want to see birds of paradise that become unique wildlife Papua, you can visit the islands Gam. There are 4 types of birds of paradise that live in the Gam Islands, the red bird of paradise, paradise big, small paradise, and paradise split rattan.

If you are challenged to rock climb, go to Coral Island. On this island you will climb the rock on slopes up to 90 degrees. If successfully reached the top, you will be dazzled by the panoramic beauty of Raja Ampat. At the peak of the reef, you can see keselurahan green island surrounded by blue water.

Transportation route to Raja Ampat tourist   

To arrive at the Raja Ampat islands, the nearest place that can be reached airplanes are the town of Sorong, with a distance of about 6 hours from Jakarta. Normally the aircraft will transit in Makassar or Manado. Airlines have scheduled flights to Sorong, among others, Silk Air, Garuda Indonesia, Pelita Air and Merpati. Next, you will go Waisai, capital of Raja Ampat. Waisai city is located on the island Waigeo, one of the four main islands (the big island) in the Raja Ampat Islands. A large island in Raja Ampat is Misool Island, salawati, Batanta island, and the island Waigeo. 

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